Pentagon plans to submit a bill next week regarding the space forces.
US President Donald Trump has a decree to create their own Space Forces. “We have to be prepared,” Trump said at the White House on Tuesday. “My government has made the creation of a space force a national security issue.”
According to the plans, the space forces will continue to exist as an independent sixth arm of the US military, alongside the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force and the Coast Guard. A US Department of Defense spokesman announced that the Pentagon would submit a bill next week.
Trump had repeatedly called for the creation of space forces. The US president wants to dominate space and sees the US in competition with Russia and China. In fact, space plays a major role in defense and modern warfare, for example, through satellite-based technology.
However, the president’s plans for an independent space force have met with skepticism among many MPs and Pentagon officials. They warn of high costs and additional bureaucracy.