Home Healthcare Obesity: Not a one-size-fits-all approach

Obesity: Not a one-size-fits-all approach

Obesity: Not a one-size-fits-all approach

It’s a problem that’s often frowned upon; in fact, some people don’t even see it as a ‘real’ condition. However, like it or not, obesity is most certainly ‘real’ and has a lot of misconceptions regarding it.

Perhaps the biggest myth to fall into this category relates to the number of forms of obesity. In other words, most of us think that it’s a single problem – and that’s it.


According to the experts though, this isn’t the case. They believe that there are multiple forms of obesity, with a Tweet from Dr. Pankaj Naram recently pointing to an article which claimed there were 60 types.

As such, it’s a bigger problem than most of us imagine. While one person might be obese in one regard, another might be it in another. For the purposes of simplicity we have condensed the types of obesity down into the following categories, to highlight the problem at length. Those who have decided to work on their weight loss goals may follow an online body weight loss plan or consider cosmetic procedures like Liposuction in Tampa, FL or Cool Sculpting in Houston, TX. A liposuction treatment or emsculpt neo treatment from a licensed medical spa center may help people who are unable to workout to still achieve their weight loss goals.

Binge eaters

The first type we will look at is probably the most obvious; individuals who turn to binge eating regularly. Suffice to say, it’s a form of food addiction and the treatment for this type of obesity-patient is going to vary considerably to that of someone else. One may consult experts that specialize in weight loss in St. Charles, IL to address this.

High insulin secretion

This is in complete contrast to the previous type of sufferer and if we return to the subject of treatments, it goes without saying that someone who secretes high amounts of insulin is going to be dealt with in a much different way to someone who binge eats.

People who fall into this category can struggle to lose weight, even if they are based on a low-fat diet.

Natural preference for junk food

In some ways, this is very similar to the ‘binge eaters’ category that we have already commented on. Of course, the big difference here is that individuals who fall into this category might not necessarily eat huge volumes of food, but the food which they do turn to contains a huge number of calories which makes obesity a foregone conclusion.

Usually, people in this category have been ‘used’ to junk food for years. Their body will have been tailored to prefer it from a young age and as such, it becomes difficult to turn to healthier foods which contain fewer calories. Individuals may look into wellness therapy training, provided by experts like this wellness center in Charleston, SC or TK H2O IV Hydration and Wellness.

A struggle to become ‘full’

This all relates to the FTO gene, which has been associated with obesity in children in several studies now. Generally, if people have a certain form of this gene, it means that they are less susceptible to becoming ‘full’ after a meal. The end result is simple; they will often turn to more food to satisfy their craving.

Fortunately, there are now several types of treatment available to replicate the ‘full’ feeling and control the problem.

Lack of exercise

The final type we’ll look at is the people who have become obese due to a lack of exercise. This is probably one of the more obvious ones out there, but even if a person eats their recommended amount of calories every day, obesity can spring upon them if they are sedentary and regularly avoid exercise.