Because the US president at a meeting, addressed the Apple boss with the wrong name, this changed him on Twitter.
At a meeting on Wednesday Donald Trump really wanted to thank only Apple for the investments made in the United States. The slip of the tongue of the US President, who made Tim Tim out of hand Tim Apple, provides even days later for amusement.
“We really appreciate that, Tim Apple,” Trump said at the meeting. At the meeting, he made no move and merely nodded. He shifted his reaction to the net. The Apple boss takes it with humor and replaced on Twitter his last name with the Apple logo.
He is not the only one who makes fun of the US President’s slip of the tongue. The chief editor of the “Hill Reporter” sat down on Twitter and said, “Bill Microsoft, Jack Twitter, Sergey Google, Elon Tesla and Mark Facebook” are the next guests Trump.
It is not the first slip of the President. He named his own National Security Advisor Mike Bolton, who is actually called John Bolton.
Such mistakes do not just happen to the US president. In 2015, John Travolta announced the singer Idina Menzel as Adele Dazeem. After numerous Memes and Tweets, there was the “Travoltify your Name” generator on the net.